Mito Kairakuen was opened in 1842 by the last shogun, Yoshiki Tokugawa’s father, Mito Clan, 9th feudal lord Masaaki (Reiko), and there are 3,000 ume trees of 100 species, including old trees over 100 years old. It is in full bloom, and is known as one of the most famous spots for ume blossoms in Japan. This umeshu is rich in nature and is made from natural water and honey brandy.
水戸「偕楽園」は最後の将軍徳川慶喜公の父 水戸藩九代藩主斉昭公(烈公)が1842年に開園し園内には樹齢百年を超える古木をはじめ100種3,000本の梅の花が咲き誇り、 全国でも有数の梅の名所として知られています。 天然水とハチミツ・ブランデーを使って仕上げた自然豊かな梅酒です。